This copy of the resolution for the first Junior Company dated, September 2, 1901, reads as follows; 
It has been deemed the sense of this company by a vote taken at its regular meeting held August 5th. 1901 that it would organize an auxiliary or Junior Department to this company to be composed of young men not less than 15 years of age, and
We the undersigned committee which has been appointed to frame suitable laws for the government of the above named Junior Department have devised the following By-Laws and submit them to you in the form of a resolution, be it therefore,
That its name shall be the Junior Auxiliary Department of the Union Bridge Fire Company
Though this is the only document that can be found to confirm that Union Bridge had a Junior Department beginning in 1901, neither the signatures of the committee or the forementioned By-Laws can be found. Regardless, the Junior fire company that we know today, the Union Bridge Junior Fire Company, was officially organized in 1962. The Junior Company started with two Trustees, E. Ray Wilson and Alton Hesson with a total of 19 members. At this time, the age group was 15 to 17 years old. It was soon changed to 14 to 17 years old.
Many changes have occurred since 1962. Currently, a 'Junior' is a young person, male or female, between the ages of 12 and 18. At age 16, as long as the 'Junior' is a member in good standing with 2 years in the company and maintains good educational grades in High School, the 'Junior' may apply to the 'Senior' Fire Company. This is also the age that they may apply for acceptance into the Carroll County Vocational Technical School for Emergency Services Technician, a program sponsored by the Carroll County Volunteer Emergency Services Association. Another major benefit of the program, is that the hours spent at the fire station can be used towards a students required community service hours.
Over the years, many of our Officers, administrative and operations, as well as other members, were Juniors at one time. We are very proud of this long standing tradition and hope that we can encourage other young people to join us. Juniors are the future of the Volunteer Fire Service. The Fire Company tries to embrace and train these young people to better themselves, our company and their community.
If anyone between the ages of 12 and 18 would like to join the Union Bridge Junior Fire Company, "right click" on the application and select 'print picture'. Complete the application and bring it into the fire station during the day along with the application fee. If you already know a Junior member, have them sponsor you, but this is not required. The application will be processed by the Junior Fire Company and you will be contacted concerning your desire to become a member.
