Cornhole Tournament Winners
By Lieutenant 8-2 Christopher Harris
July 29, 2012

Cornhole teams participated in a 1st time co-sponsored Cornhole Tournament fundraising event for both the New Windsor Fire Department and Union Bridge Fire Department. Teams came from all over Maryland as well as Pennsylvania, to the New Windsor Carnival Grounds and they battled it out in the summer heat for the $200 First Prize. Good food, cold beverages and an enjoyable afternoon was had by all. Both departments would like to thank all of the teams who came out to play.

The event was such a success plans are already in the works for the next Cornhole Tournament to be held on Saturday, October 13th. Keep an eye on the website for more details.

The Winners for this Tournament were:
1st Place $200 Dale Moran and Vernon Brumfield
2nd Place $100 Kevin Wantz Zack Devilbiss
3rd Place $50 Ben North Francis North
4th Place $25 Johnny Thurman Daniel Sneed