Monthly Business Meeting: First Tuesday at 7:00 PM

We are continuing to provide emergency services to our community, as well as our surrounding communities with the same care that we always have. You may notice some changes in our response to emergencies, but these changes are required so that our personnel can meet with the guidelines provided by the CDC, our Emegency Services partners and the Government; to keep our personnel safe so that we can answer your call for help.
We hope that everyone continues to follow the new emergency laws and rules enacted by the Governer of Maryland and the President of the United States; and that everyone stays safe and healthy during this crisis.

Check out our "ON-LINE STORE" in the left column for raffles, mechandise and more!!!
Santa Watch 2024 December 16, 17, & 18
Santa Watch 2024
Secretary Melvin Smith, December 03
Merry Christmas everyone!!!! We just received word that "Santa Claus" has put the Union Bridge area on his list of early visits for the 2024 "Santa Watch"! Santa will be in the area December 16th, 17th, and 18th. Just like last year, he has asked us to provide a ride for him using our fire engines so that his reindeer can be fully rested for their big night on Christmas Eve.
Here is the schedule ... (Full Story & Photos)
Barn Fire
Steven Stull, July 15
On July 14th 2024, at around 2030 hours, Box Alarm 8-1 was sounded for the barn fire in the 700 block of Crouse Mill Road in Middleburg. First arriving units arrived to find a barn well involved in fire and requested the Tanker Task Force. Engine 81 arrived, pulling multiple hand-lines for fire attack and to protect exposures. Shortly after M89 and E81 had arrived, Duty 8 arrived to assume the "Crouse ... (Full Story & Photos)
Silent Auction Committee Seeking Donations
Secretary Melvin Smith, February 02
The Silent Auction Committee of the Union Bridge Fire Company is seeking donations for our Silent Auction at our 2024 Carnival .
To donate, please call Karen at 410-775-7197.
We are looking for antiques, collectables, handcrafted items, event tickets, and other new or gently used items.
We appreciate your support!!... (Full Story)
Passing of Fire Company and Ladies Aux. Member Marion L. Jordan
Board of Directors Christopher Harris, March 15
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Fire Company and Ladies Auxiliary member Marion L. Jordan. She first became a member of the Ladies Auxiliary and later a non-responding member in the Fire Company in 1999, along with her late husband Lou Jordan. She was a huge advocate of our company, helping with countless fundraisers and events, and served in several different administrative ... (Full Story & Photos)
Marion L. Jordan 5/3/1946 - 3/13/2023
April Public Breakfast
Christopher Harris, February 25
Apologies to everyone, but a mistake was made by posting the April public breakfast. We WILL NOT be having this event on Easter Sunday. We hope to see everyone for the May "Mother's Day" breakfast, our last breakfast this season!!!!!... (Full Story)
Passing of Life Member George W. Keeney
Firefighter/EMT Christopher Harris, January 12
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Lifetime Member George W. Keeney. He became a member of our fire company in 1959 and had served as a driver of the fire apparatus, fire officer or in administrative offices during his active service.
The officers and members of the Union Bridge Fire Company, Inc. extend our heartfelt condolences to the Keeney Family.
A visitation will be held ... (Full Story & Photos)
George W. Keeney: 2/20/1940 - 1/9/2023
Reverend Richard "Dick" L. Michael
9/26/46 - 11/17/22
Passing of Company Chaplain, Reverend Richard L. Michael
Firefighter/EMT Christopher Harris, November 23
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Lifetime Member and our companies Chaplain, Reverend Richard "Dick" L. Michael. He became a member of our fire company in 1972 after moving to our community to serve the St. James Lutheran Church on S. Benedum Street. Dick served many roles within our company during his 50 years of service with us. He served as Chief for one year, then Ambulance/EMS ... (Full Story & Photos)
Firefighter/EMT Christopher Harris, November 22
Merry Christmas everyone!!!! We just received word that "Santa Claus" has put the Union Bridge area on his list of early visits for the 2022 "Santa Watch"! Santa will be in the area December 19th, 20th and 21st. Just like last year, he has asked us to provide a ride for him using our fire engines so that his reindeer can be fully rested for their big night on Christmas Eve.
Here is the schedule and ... (Full Story & Photos)
2022 Santa Watch (December 19, 20, 21)
Public Breakfasts
Firefighter/EMT Christopher Harris, September 12
Hey everyone, we have heard from so many that they can't wait till we have our breakfast's again and we are excited to advertise that the Monthly Public Breakfast's are back!!!!!!!!!!!
Public Breakfasts are held the second Sunday of each month from October to May.
Adult: $12 Children 6 - 12: $6 Carry-out: $14
Our first breakfast is on October 9th and we can't wait to see everyone here!!!
Check ... (Full Story & Photos)
Sportsman's Drawing
Firefighter/EMT Christopher Harris, September 11
The Union Bridge Fire Company will be having a Sportsman's Drawing on October 22 in the Activities Center/Social Hall. Get your tickets now!!!!
The event includes dinner, beer (and cash bar), Gun Jars, Tip Jars, Cash Games and of course, the raffle!!!!!
Tickets are $35 each. Guests admission is $10 at the door.
Doors will open at 3:30 PM
Dinner will begin at 5:30 PM
Raffle begins at 6:30 PM
For ... (Full Story & Photos)
Great Food, Beverages and a chance to WIN BIG!!!
 Union Bridge is located in Carroll County, Maryland.
The town is denoted in red and to view the area on
Google Maps, click on the image below.
Click on the Carroll County flag for LIVE fire department audio on

Your feedback is important to us! Feel free to sign the guestbook.

"Our mission is to provide high quality fire protection, rescue service and Emergency Medical Service for the citizens, businesses and visitors of our community during emergency and non-emergency incidents, while also providing safety and fire prevention education to the public. This will be accomplished by safely providing enhanced planning, equipment, training and education for our members and staff."

Tribute to the United States Military
The members of the Union Bridge Fire Company would like to thank the men and women of the United States Armed Forces for their bravery, service and sacrifice by putting themselves into harms way to fight terrorism and to protect our freedom. For that, we are greatful.
God Bless Them All!
Army Air Force Marine Corp Navy Coast Guard
Check the current US and Maryland Flag Status